
Week 1 Reflection on MLS

It has been a long while since I recorded anything here. This has been a very hectic yet fruitful week as I completed the first week of MLS. Tony Robbins' quote, "Progress is happiness", has been very real to me here. I experienced growth due to the stimulating lectures I had and the thinking about thinking I was led to do. Here are some of my reflections. As these are only coherent to me, please do not force yourself to make sense, as it would not be unless you experienced what I went through. Reflection for Day 2 1N: Examining our roles from the perspectives of the system level and the challenges at the ground level helps us to appreciate the different realities. We must have the courage to understand intentions (strategic alignment) and implement them on the ground (tactical empowerment). 2N: Embracing change. If change is the only constant, then find the constant in change. 1Q: Meta-cognition. If we constantly think about our thinking, would that make us more fearful

Day100 of GC

Thank you that I finally came to this day. It took me longer than expected but I still completed this challenge, 1 year and 3 months actually. 100 days of gratitude may not be easy but the feeling of being thankful is indeed powerful. I will continue to be grateful even if I do not post it on m blog. I hope this will motivate you to take up the gratitude attitude. Thank you. Photo by  Oscar Nilsson  on  Unsplash

Day 99 of GC

Today is the 21st day of the new year and I finally found my first goal. I will open my classroom this year with an SLS display that is on Differentiated Learning. I will do it! Yes, thank you for my first goal. It will give me extra push to get me back to become GTL again. Love it. Gratitude, the best feeling ever! Photo by  Courtney Hedger  on  Unsplash

Day 98 of GC

Had early reunion dinner with my family members yesterday. I'm grateful that I still have them even though I lost my parents many years ago. I need to give more and open up more to them to enjoy my time with them. Thank you for family. Photo by  Roberto Nickson  on  Unsplash

Day 97 of GC

Two weeks into the new term. Busy as always but working towards my goal is something that will motivate me to keep on going. I am clear of my goal and I will reach it when I get there. Let's do this! Thank you.

Day 96 of GC

What was the best moment for 2019? To me, it was the visit to THFC and watching the friendly game between Juventus and Spurs. As a lifetime Spurs fan, I have always dreamed of such moments but to live it is still wonderfully amazing. Now on to 2020! Photo by  Svetlana Pochatun  on  Unsplash

Day 95 of GC

Thank you for my little princess. She has indeed grown to be someone and will become the person she will want to be.